Assignment 2 - applying the two step flow theory

 The two step flow theory says that most people form their opinions based on influences from high public opinion leaders. The biggest example I can say for the two step flow theory is win a celebrity comes out in backs a cause. The moment a celebrity comes out and says therefore calls brings awareness and can change someone’s public opinion based on who that celebrity is. The biggest influence can be just for basic shopping, we have athletes that back certain brands thus shaping public opinion that people will buy those brands. I would say that I use the two step flow theory, when I share certain media topics based on who originated the topic. For example when it’s ever breaking news I probably would share more likely CNN than any other new source because I find them more credible. Additionally if a celebrity posted something online that they were strong about I would most likely repost that because the person sharing is someone I feel trustworthy. A great example is in politics when a public figure in politics backs eight unlikely candidate, or like the back of candidate that no one has heard of. During the election season you’ll hear a lot about endorsements, During these endorsements you will see many candidates get a lot more views online and that in my opinion is based on someone giving their opinion that is a public leader. Lastly I will say if you look back at the 2016 election when Hillary Clinton was running she had a heavy celebrity backing by a lot of prominent women. The example I would use is Katy Perry. “Picture will be below”. Another example in vanity fair article is that Hillary Clinton wanted to have the same affect of the Oprah endorsement to the Obama administration.
